Thursday, September 17, 2009

Such a long time since posting. I keep a journal so why do I bother to blog as well? I guess we all like to have something out there that will outlast us, feel a slight importance. Lost the Internet for a long time as I was getting it free from the library and then they began renovations. I cannot wait for the new library to open! I wonder what it will look like? I have always loved the library here in Portland, from the 70's horrid orange carpet (which is now gone), reading carrels, and a diverse crowd. I had a friend who told me she once saw Charles Manson at the library here. I have fallen head over heels in love with the OED, I now have access to it through the college. Also enjoying Carlos Ruiz Zafon's newest novel The Angel's Game. It is as enthralling as his first. Looking forward to reading Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters. At first I was skeptical of treating Jane Austen so, but the books are humorous. New class on the origins of the English language, very fascinating, yet at times very dry. Perhaps I can take a section out of the Austen spoof for my homework. I think my professor would enjoy that.

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