Thursday, September 17, 2009

Such a long time since posting. I keep a journal so why do I bother to blog as well? I guess we all like to have something out there that will outlast us, feel a slight importance. Lost the Internet for a long time as I was getting it free from the library and then they began renovations. I cannot wait for the new library to open! I wonder what it will look like? I have always loved the library here in Portland, from the 70's horrid orange carpet (which is now gone), reading carrels, and a diverse crowd. I had a friend who told me she once saw Charles Manson at the library here. I have fallen head over heels in love with the OED, I now have access to it through the college. Also enjoying Carlos Ruiz Zafon's newest novel The Angel's Game. It is as enthralling as his first. Looking forward to reading Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters. At first I was skeptical of treating Jane Austen so, but the books are humorous. New class on the origins of the English language, very fascinating, yet at times very dry. Perhaps I can take a section out of the Austen spoof for my homework. I think my professor would enjoy that.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Life is amazing. You can happily go through with nary a care in the world and then all of a sudden something blows through to ruffle you. My aunt passed away this week and now in honor of that I am reading Madame Bovary. I feel a more depressive novel is needed. I have already suffered through Wuthering Heights too many times to spiral into that dark eddy. I continually find new reading challenges to do but never have the time to blog. Fear not, I do have time to read! I just read a great book Drood by Dan Simmons. That man is an excellent author. I loved his book Ilium as well. On a new subject, everyone here in New England is sick. I think they should shut down the airports and let no one in or out until everyone gets healthy. On the upside to being ill is the fact that you can completely justify lying in bed all day reading, no guilt at all. That's a bad part about being a New Englander, we have guilt down pat, especially for being lazy. Now I have a shocking confession to make, I have never read To Kill A Mockingbird. That is my next book choice to read, however the library is closing for two weeks once more to prepare for renovations. I swear my library is always closing for something.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Long Time

Just how long has it been since I last posted anything? My computer crashed, piece of crap HP Compaq, never , never buy any of their products! Anyhow moving on, the library has been closed for a few days now. I still am not used to the new hours and decreased stock that they have due to budgeting. I know that one of the books I am going to tackle for the support your local library challenge is The Decameron. I having been thinking that I may want to major in 14th century literature. I am currently working on an epic poem of the Black Plague. Why is it that that subject is o fascinating? Perhaps I will also take out a book or two on that subject as well. Oh and I want to read Margaret Atwood's Lady Oracle. I had taken it out once before but never got the chance to read it. Classes start up again soon, and due to my intense support of literature in my life, I have to redo my A&P lab. Yuck! However I get to temper that class with another literature class, this one on literature and film. It should be interesting but I wonder why the instructor did not include The Princess Bride?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Wohoo a new month. I finally finished This Side of Paradise and absolutely loved it! Of course I am a bit biased as I love Fitzgerald in general. Now I am attempting to read Swim to Me while also reading On the Road for class, and writing a paper. All while suffering through a miserable cold. I hate having a stuffy nose! And why is it that no one else ever seems to be sick whenever I get sick? The questions that life is made up of. Amory Blaine would be proud of my fever induced musings. On a completely unrelated note, I love my new microwaveable popcorn popper thing I got at Crate and Barrel. I have eaten nothing but popcorn for the whole weekend, everything else takes to much energy to make. Alright back to knitting and reading since sleep seems to be elusive when one cannot breath through the nose.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Late October Welcome

I love the month of October, along with November and December. It is a great time of the year. I watched the movie Transylvania 6-5000 yesterday. What a funny movie, great for getting in the mood for Halloween. I have been so busy getting ready for Christmas that I have not been reading much. Can you believe that my library does not have a copy of This Side of Paradise? It's Fitzgerald, one of the great American novelist and he is missing from the local library. That is partially what is wrong with our society. Then again I know that the poor libraries are getting neglected in a huge way from government funding. Again our society and it's priorities. Deplorable! Hoping to go to Salem, Massachusetts today. I have never been before in October. I have this mental image of idyllic New England, which is exactly where I grew up, so I have no clue why I expect anything different. Ah well, the romanticism we gain from reading.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

How Silly of Me, I Forgot

I forgot to mention that I finished A Highlander in Her Bed. It was ok, like I said a paranormal romance novel. The story is about a male ghost who haunts a bed he made back in the 13th century or sometime way back when. This girl comes along and falls for the bed and the ghost haunts her because she is of a clan he has a vendetta against (for good reason). This ghost can manifest "in the flesh" so to speak and that of course is where the romance comes in. There is nothing scary at all in the whole book, so I am going to assume it does not count for the R.I.P III challenge. Anyhow back to classwork reading and essays.

Friday, September 26, 2008


If I had of known there would be so much writing in this class, I never would have signed up for it. This is crazy! Every class we have a quiz that is three essay questions, answers supported with text quotations. Then we have critical essays and other essay exams, along with all the reading. Just finished Ethan Frome. I have always disliked that book, still do. How can there be so much depression and suffering in so short a novel? Next up is A Passage to India, which is absolutely beautiful from what I have read thus far. The language is amazing, I can see why it is hailed as the greatest 20th century novel. Arguably of course. So instead of writing why Ethan Frome is a chain of cause and effects, I am blogging about nonsense. I can honestly say I am semi looking forward to a science class to have a little break next semester. Though I do not find science or math to be very easy (well if the science does not have math it is easy), I need a break from writing. I just want to be lazy and read. I am dying to read the latest Thursday Next novel by Jasper Fforde. I love those books!