Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Belated Posting

Wow, it has been a month since I last posted anything. What is my excuse even? I did not succeed in finishing the Once Upon a Time II challenge. Things got too hectic with classes and work. I have started Mr. Norrel and Jonathan Strange, but just cannot get into it. So I am moving onto the 5th book in the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. I just love those books, and especially Jamie Fraser, who does not really? I am taking a creative writing class right now and it really makes you appreciate all the books you read and take for granted. It is not so easy to write this stuff and expose it to a bunch of strangers. I have even more respect for most authors now. I have also read some great stuff penned by my fellow classmates. I am awed by the sheer imaginative genius out there. Now I get to go and read a bunch of photocopied pages that are hard to decipher on the influence of Contemporary art in allowing photography to be more accepted as an art form. Fun stuff!

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